May 25Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

I always feel your words so deeply. I love what you are conveying in this post. This quote especially resonated with me:

"No, this world does not need more harshness, it needs softer edges to buffer the fixed lines we walk through".

This is so true, and I feel like more people really need to hear it!

YES we absolutely need more compassion and less harshness on this already way too often brutal world.

My heart hurt when I read about what happened to your son with his 'teacher', and although I'm glad he has such a fierce advocate like you by his side, I wish he wouldn't need it as often as I'm sure he does in this world we live in.

As someone who lives on the margins in some aspects, due to mental illnesses, (I'm unable to work at the moment for exemple), I had to go through the process of un-learning so many things that are actually ingrained in our brains without us realizing it. For exemple, that our worth doesn't come from our work or our productivity. That vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. And that people who are considered "less than" by society, are often the ones who have the most to teach, if only we'd let them.

I worked as a special educator before I couldn't anymore, and let me tell you that the things I learned from the kids I worked with, I will always treasure and remember!

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"...our worth doesn't come from our work or our productivity" YES!!!! We need to update the ways we understand worth and accountability, Thank you for your lovely words.

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May 26Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Oh dear Tanmeet. When I read your words this morning I could feel my heart opening up. And, I am grateful as I just was trying to find the words for a dear friend who was shaming himself for overeating. I have been able to share your words with him and I know it will make a difference. Your wisdom and courage is just so powerful. This morning I had written down a prayer that I stop being so hard on myself. And just moments later, in came your posting. Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. And so it is. So grateful and so full of love for you and your son. What teachers you both are.

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What a beautiful synchronicity that this came at the right time for you. Thank you so much for sharing that with me!

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May 27Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Thank you for this sharing Tanmeet. What you describe made my heart ache for Zubin, and you. For myself, I can relate your words about compassion to my interactions with my adult daughter. As she's trying to find her way forward, I've stayed on the sidelines wondering if I should try to 'push' her in the right direction. I'm realizing that showing her more compassion is what is actually needed. Thank you for helping me see this opportunity.

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Oh I resonate so much with this. It’s such a challenge of parenting and guiding. How to let go and let be. I’m in the learning with you my friend. And thank you for your words of heart felt love. I received it fully. ❤️

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