May 31Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Thank you for this moving post today. The world often feels frightening to me, and knowing that I can create a little bit of order in my own little space with my husband and dog helps me to feel a little safer. Each morning we sit together with the dog between us, my husband with his coffee and me with my tea. Sometimes we sit in silence, other times we share what we'll be doing in the day. Either way, just being together stroking the dog and feeling our love helps my heart to lighten up and feel warmer at the same time. I deeply value this time together as we start the day.

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Love this share Barb. So tender and sweet. Did you recognize this as a ritual before sharing it here? I am sure on some level you have. But I ask because it will be interesting to now see how the power of these moments amplify by breathing gratitude or simply a breath to recognize the moment. It is basically soaking in the moment deeper. ❤️

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May 31Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

A few days ago I read a daily inspiration from Melody Beattie that talked to ritual.....not at the depth that you did here or even for the same reason. But, it started a conversation with my husband as we had our coffee/tea, and we acknowledged that what we do is, in fact, a ritual. We'd not thought of it as such. But, thinking of it now and after what you wrote, I definitely believe that the moments will be even more meaningful because of conscious gratitude FOR them. Thank you SO MUCH for your feedback and inspiration.

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Beautiful. ❤️

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May 31Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Thank you for another great post that makes me think and reflect, as usual. 💖

My two cats are an essential part of me having some rituals. I noticed how they were "ritual-driven" beings, and they truly help me daily as my rituals are linked to theirs. They know that when I wake up, we'll have a joyful treats distribution, for exemple. 😉

And it's like that with some other things during the day.

Also when I tend to dissociate, they are the best to help me stay grounded.

Otherwise, taking my medications is another thing that is part of my rituals.

And on a more "comforting" note, I just started to prepare a tea bottle in the morning, to help me drink more during the day, so that is something that I like as well. 🙂

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Love ALL of these. And I love that your animals and you are in sync. I think your comment about dissociating is so important. We all need to dissociate at times, to make it through a moment or longer. At times, we may be able to reintegrate in those moments into a comforting ritual instead. Love that thought!

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Jun 1Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

This essay offers a blessing of simple comfort, thank you Tanmeet. I love the idea of framing our daily actions as micro-rituals and that, by doing so, we can affect our brain to give greater meaning to our actions.

I have recently been thinking about the lack of ritual in my life but now I am going to think differently. I have a morning ritual of drinking tea that I need to change as I feel the tea is not serving my health and may be draining me of energy. I am going to replace it with something different and I will frame it as a more beautiful, nourishing ritual.

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Donna i love that you are not only marking this as a sacred micro ritual but also transforming it in one that serves you even better. ❤️

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Jun 1Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Stay tuned! I love my tea and am not happy about needing to make this change...but I've made other hard changes in my life that have served me well so I have faith this will be for the best.

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I’m right there with you. Replaced my coffee ritual this year and it was so hard at first!!

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Jun 9Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

I too am looking at the morning ritual and healthy ways to improve it.

I’ve recently made some additions after learning more about Ayurveda last weekend at a retreat.

I start with brushing teeth, tongue scraping then a glass of water that I dilute with home made chai tea. ( Ayurveda) I have always enjoyed the stillness of the kitchen with just the sound of the birds and the creek I make a decaf coffee, turn on the infuser that casts a light glow and smells amazing then sit quietly with a heat bag and blanket with eyes closed and do a body scan. Once I complete the scan and check in how I feel I bring my awareness to the 5 senses and tap into each of them. This ritual is a form or a morning meditation.

Look forward to hearing more about rituals from everyone.

Hugs and love,


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Lynn your morning ritual sounds so wonderful. I love the way you honor the silence of the morning and then tune into all of your senses. Thank you for sharing this!

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Jun 2Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Thank you for this beautiful, insightful and deeply thought-provoking essay, Tanmeet❤️ Every word resonates so deeply... I've always been fascinated by rituals and micro-routines that sustain the self through each day... Journaling and yoga are two of my non-negotiables; and, recently, I've been trying to establish a weekly phone call with a very dear friend. All of these, together, make me feel grounded and centred like nothing else does.

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Shreya I’m so glad it resonated and I love that you recognize what grounds you. Those rituals in particular are so powerful because they cultivate movement of the mind and heart through connection to yourself and your friend. It seems like as humans we crave this kind of certainty exactly because of the way we are surrounded by the opposite.

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So true. Daily micro and macro rituals are my saving graces! Gardening, yoga, gratitude, making tea, walking, reading…and on and on. They are all so critical for my grounding and maintenance of my field of awareness. I am so grateful for them/for me!

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