About Your Integrative Physician

Welcome to Your Integrative Physician, where you learn how to thrive and make sustainable changes in your health. Where you learn how to actually feel and live better.

If you feel stuck in your mental, physical, or emotional health and you feel disappointed in the conventional advice your physician is giving you, you are in the right place.

Imagine having a sense of power and purpose in your health, moving from being a bystander in your life to living it fully. Imagine feeling inspired that there IS actually a way to thrive through the hardest moments of life or the chronic health challenges of this modern world.

I have spent the last 26 years teaching exactly this to my patients, my small groups around the world traumatized by manmade and natural disasters, new resident physicians and frankly to myself as a human who seeks a way to live well despite the modern stressors and toxic ridden environments we live in. And in this publication, I want to do this for you.

Welcome, I’m Tanmeet Sethi and I believe everyone deserves this information…

My name is Tanmeet Sethi and I am an Integrative and Psychedelic Medicine MD Physician (for >26 years!), an author, TEDx speaker, teacher, clinical researcher (in psychedelics) and activist.

I have spent the last 26 years delivering babies, caring for them and their parents as they age, sitting with them as they pass away, managing complex addiction and mental health, and doing it all by harnessing not only my excellent conventional medical training but integrating that with my vast expertise in nutrition, functional medicine, mind body medicine, Ayurveda and neuroscience.

I never thought I should be called a primary care physician. We refer to the hospital as tertiary care so I think I should be secondary care. And primary care are all the things you can do for yourself, if you have the knowledge.

Everything you ingest—food, drink, pills, supplements, thoughts, relationships, toxins—all of it matters. I am here to help you sort through that confusion and all the wellness information out there by non-experts.

I am also an author of a book called Joy Is My Justice (Hachette, 2023) because I believe strongly in the power of Joy as a human right and vastly different than happiness or toxic positivity (which for the record, is harmful!) I have sat in thousands of exam rooms and guided my patients to not just survive, but thrive.

I’m not just another medical expert lecturing to you. I walk my walk. I was nine months pregnant, on top of the world, when my barely three year old son, Zubin, was given a death sentence, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, an ALS-like disease in young boys. My book weaves my own story and stories of countless patients around the world in the most devastating situations with empowering and accessible neuroscience to show that Joy is not only our birthright, but a daily act of reclaiming Justice in our bodies, where it matters most.

Here, I’ll share my wisdom, the science, and the practical art of living well. I’ll share the things that bring me and my patients Joy, the mysteries and science of Integrative Medicine and psychedelics, and never, the toxic speak of being positive when your life or the world are not. You are not broken, the systems of this world are. It’s time to learn how to live more whole despite that.

I’ve also spent my time in medicine fighting for health equity and access in the most marginalized communities. I believe optimal health is a human right and I want to offer my expertise here. It feels like another way to serve. To help you feel like you have power and possibility when it comes to your health.

I have spent the 26 years since medical school amassing fellowships and expertise in all of the ways health matters but we don’t learn in medical school, then utilizing that expertise with thousands of patients, and I want to share all of that with you.

How does this work?

By signing up as a member to this community, you will receive weekly Friday doses of science-backed wisdom and strategies related to an aspect of your health, something your doctor probably not only never told you but also did not learn in medical school.

By upgrading to a paid subscription, you will receive any extra sessions with me to ask questions or dive deeper. You will also ensure access to this weekly publication remains free and accessible to the entire community. You will be committing to your own health in a more powerful way. Not only because you know your health matters, but the health of your community matters. You will be serving others through this publication while you receive immense value. Being a paid subscriber means you’re practicing reciprocity, one of my highest values, and you allow me to do my best work here.

What others have said….

My work has been featured in Oprah Daily, The Telegraph, Metro UK, Mindbodygreen, Women.com, NPR, Ms Magazine and more. I speak to large and small audiences. I have worked around the globe on healing communities from trauma of manmade and natural disasters. And I have sat with thousands of individuals in the deepest of suffering.

I’ve been told I have a gift of making the most complex topics in well-being and health accessible and practical for you.

I want to be with you in the exploration of all the beautiful and brutal parts of life. The radical Joy, all the ways we can learn to empower ourselves through the medicine of this world—what we eat, how we think, or move, how we commune with nature, all of it and especially my last few years of moving into psychedelic medicine to shift insight and consciousness in the deepest way I have seen.

What members of this community say

"I keep coming back to your post that brains want to know and brains want to do, and it's helping me keep solid ground beneath my feet. I want to support your work and also want to simply be a closer part of your community. You are my people. "

"Your work is so helpful to me personally and all humans. Thank you for your boldness in sharing it."

What readers of my book say

“[Dr.] Sethi Doesn’t Claim The Journey Will Be Free Of Pain Or Effort, but her wise counsel, written so lovingly, will certainly help readers heal themselves as they face life challenges.”
Booklist, starred review

“We mostly turn away from our pain. I have. Tanmeet invitesus to walk a stronger, more human path, surprisingly to Joyand Justice. I know her wisdom heals, as it has helped me,and my patients, become more whole. I urge you to makespace for Tanmeet’s message in your life.”
—Drew Ramsey, MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist, Author Of Eat To Beat Depression And Anxiety, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry At Columbia University

“Full of transformative practices, illuminating stories, andcourageous inspiration, this book offers a path through foranyone dealing with trauma, pain, or simply the dailyinjustices of the world—all the while painting a vision forhow we bring joy and justice into our lives with a radicalpush for change…This is the friend to keep with you, thereminder that we can change the world.”
—Pramila Jayapal; U.S. Congressmember, Civil Rights Activist, And Author Of Use The Power You Have

“Joy Is My Justice is a book to experience with your whole bodymind. It is brilliant,profound, necessary—and a joy to read.”
—Resmaa Menakem, Author of the NYT bestseller, My Grandmother's Hands and Monsters In Love

Subscribe to Your Integrative Physician | Tanmeet Sethi, MD

The doctor's visit you wished for: vital weekly doses of science-backed wisdom and practical strategies on optimal mental/physical health and cultivating Joy from an integrative physician, author, and TEDx speaker with 26 yrs in the trenches.


Integrative/Psychedelic MD, Author, TEDx Speaker, Activist. And somewhere in between, I try to rest.