Jun 29Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Beautiful post. Thanks for picking up on the mood of the moment. There is so much trauma and so much pressure to choose a side. I respond with endurance and thinking of a poem by Wislawa Szymborska that starts with the line "After every war someone has to clean up"

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Really resonate with that Jeff. Endurance will be needed, that's for sure.

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Jun 29Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

I don't have many words but I relate and deeply share your feelings. 💔❤️‍🩹

It helps to be in community with you and everyone else, to be reminded that we are not alone and that many people still care about each other, and what's happening in the world.

I have a lot of gratitude for that.


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Sarah thank you so much for this. You are so right. Being connected in community keeps my heart open and is an antidote to the world right now. ❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

My heart is heavy. Reading your words, especially "Can you first start with self-compassion?" were important for me to read today. People can say it so often and it doesn't land, but today, it did. So, thank-you. Appreciate your writing and love your thoughtful advice.

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I appreciate you sharing that and also it reminds me how things land for me on different days because my heart is on different spaces and I am ever opening and closing. May the compassion buoy your heart today my friend. ❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

My heart is also heavy. So much needless suffering in our world today. So much division in our country. Thank you for the reminder of self care, self compassion. And thanks for bringing this community together where hope and love are shared. ❤️

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It’s more than ever a time to have community we can connect to right? I’m just as grateful to you for being here.

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I love this reflection and how it resonates on the community, country and individual level. We strip each other of humanity when we pit our heart aches in a cage match. I hear so often this idea of gratitude as a way through and I’m curious about it - for me, quick listing out my gratitudes doesn’t always create the feeling of it. I haven’t quite found a way to make this an embodied practice.

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Thank you for this thoughtful comment Sudha. I love this question and talk extensively about how to use gratitude as a way to reclaim power in my book and when I speak. It's often underestimated. The listing out of what you are grateful for on a daily basis is simply a foundation to what gratitude can do. Through using it like this and then in letters, gratitude recasting (talk about this in my book and happy to explain it in detail here if you like-used with World Trade Center survivors and I've used with survivors of school shootings in the US etc) and other tools, what gratitude really does fundamentally is turn us toward our life instead of away. We subtly turn away constantly from the pain or what is going wrong. But as we start to practice gratitude for the good, we also find gratitude and beauty that sits next to pain, and maybe even one day find it in the pain (although I am careful not to turn this to those suffering having to thank their way out of pain but rather find their strength through it) I have a TEDx talk on this as well if you like. (not trying to "market" that or my book, just thinking of ways to have a deeper discussion. I also get into these tools in more depth in our workshops every other month but tell me what resonates and what you are curious about and I can give you much of it right here. Gratitude for being here and for caring about your heart and the collective. ❤️

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

All good reminders! I listened to your book on audio when it first came out but admittedly burnout has made me forget most everything of what I listened to. You're making me realize it might be a good one to have on hand :) I love the idea of joining a workshop, I've been hungering for community around some of this work and feeling a bit like I need to get out of books and into practice. I appreciate the thoughtful and thoroughness of your reply and this notion of letting gratitude be a practice to turn towards -- perhaps I've been putting too much expectation on my gratitude practice instead of just letting it be the simplicity of turning towards my life and all it contains.

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Yes might be good to relisten or go to the parts that are drawing your heart in. And would love to have you join our next workshop. I’m always ready to comp anyone a month if finances are the barrier. Just let me know.

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Jul 1Liked by Tanmeet Sethi, MD

What a well needed, compassionate post! Thank you for sharing this 💚 I think about this often, and about whether this is an inevitability, or some roadblock with a solution.

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Thank you so much for the solidarity, I am grateful to know we are wrestling with this question, together. As a collective, we can feel more human as well. How do you tend to your heart through it is the question I keep asking myself.

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